Kick off a fun community weekend with your friends and family by walking or running together at the annual Cypress Run! While you're there, you'll meet members of the OC Animal Care team, learn about responsible pet ownership, and receive giveaways! Click here to learn more.
Cypress Civic Center Saturday, October 5, 2024, 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. 5275 Orange Ave. Cypress, CA 90630
Visit OC Animal Care's information booth at the Fullerton Fall Community Resource Fair on Tuesday, September 10th! While you're there, you'll meet our Public Education Officers, learn about responsible pet ownership, and receive giveaways.
Fullerton College Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 321 E. Chapman Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832
OC Animal Care will be closed on Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day.
Staff will still be available to take in ill, injured, or lost pets; respond to emergency calls for service; and provide daily care, cleaning, and feeding for the animals at the shelter.
If you are in need of assistance, please call (714) 259-1122 and leave a message. Staff will be monitoring the line and respond as soon as possible.
OC Animal Care is thrilled to be a part of Irvine's Summer Pet Adoption Fair on Saturday, September 7th! Join us for a fun filled day of pet adoptions,free community resources, and giveaways!
William R. Mason Regional Park Saturday, September 7, 2024, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 18712 University Drive, Irvine, CA 92612
Equus Workforce Solutions is hosting a Community Resource Fair on September 18, 2024, to provide valuable community resources and information from organizations to help you and your family. While you're there, you'll meet members of the OC Animal Care team, learn about responsible pet owners, and much more.
Downtown Anaheim Community Center 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m 250 E. Center St., Anaheim, CA 92805
Join Fourth District Supervisor Doug Chaffee along with OC Animal Care, on Saturday, September 7th, for the Kids Fishing Derby at Carbon Canyon Regional Park!
TUSTIN, Calif. (July 2, 2024) – It's widely reported that more pets go missing during July 4th celebrationsthananyotherholidaythroughouttheyear.AsweprepareinOrangeCountytocelebrate withfireworks,barbequesandfestivities,OCAnimalCare isurgingpetparentstomake aplanandtake necessary precautions to ensure the safety of their furry family members.
Microchip:Ifyourpetdoesn’thaveamicrochip,considervisitingyourveterinarianoralow-cost pet clinicto getone.Ifyourpet doeshaveamicrochip,be suretocheck thechipregistrationto confirm your contact information is up-to-date and accurate.
Considercreaturecomforts:Athundershirt,petspecificcalmingsprays,orevenabusy,food related toy like a lick mat, Kong, or snuffle mat may help reduce anxiety or give your pet something to focus on. Plan ahead for what may help your pet feel less stressed.
Visit the vet: If your pet has a high level of anxiety, talk to your veterinarian about safe and effectivemedicationoptionsorover-the-counterremediesthatmayhelpreduceanxietyand follow your veterinarian's guidance on administering them.
It’simportanttorememberthatthesecelebrationscanbeasourceofanxietyanddangerforourpets. Especiallywhenfireworkslightupthesky,manydogsexperienceheightenedanxietyandstressdueto loud noises and commotion. To help alleviate this, OC Animal Care is offering essential tips to ensure that pets remain safe and calm.
Whatyoushoulddoduring festivities:
Keeppetsindoors:Fireworkscanbefrighteninganddisorientingforpets.Keeptheminsideina quiet, secure area to minimize stress.
Createasafespace:Setupacomfortablespacewiththeirfavoritetoys,blankets,andacozy bed. Consider playing calming music or using white noise like a television to drown out the fireworks.
Avoidhumanfood:Keeppetsawayfrombarbecueandpicnicfoods,whichcanbeharmfulto them. Ensure they have access to their regular pet food and water.
Securedoorsandwindows:Closealldoors,windows,andpetflapstopreventpetsfromrunning away if they get scared.
Exercisepetsduringtheday:Takeyourpetsforawalkorengagetheminplaytimeearlierinthe daytotirethemoutbeforethefireworksbegin.Besuretokeepthemonaleashandlimitfree- roaming back-yard time as firework noise may interrupt their routine at all hours.
OC Animal Care, like most animal shelters in Southern California as well as throughout the US, are alreadyatcriticalcapacity.Every4th ofJuly,animalsheltersacrossthecountryexperienceanincreasein incoming dogs as they flee their homes from the loud fireworks. The shelter is in desperate need of fosters throughoutthe next fewweeksto free upavailable space for new,incominganimals lostaround the holiday.
Theshelterisaskingfora2–3-weekcommitmenttogiveadogtheopportunitytospendtimeoutofa kennel and in the comfort of a loving home while freeing up critical space for newly stray dogs to hopefully bereunitedwiththeirfamily.By fosteringadogthatwasinthe shelterpre-holiday,youcan provide a shelter dog with a calm and secure environment, while creating space for more animals in need.OC Animal Care will also provide each foster family with a starter kit containing food and basic supplies including a leash, collar, and tags for your temporary housemate.
OC Animal Care, sponsored by Noble Friends Foundation, will be hosting a Free* Microchip Clinic for Dogs and Cats on Saturday, August 17, 2024, from 8 - 11 a.m.
Free microchip clinic for the first 100 dogs and cats
Limit 2 pets per household; all pets must be 8 weeks of age+
For safety purposes, all pets must be well-socialized
Dogs must be a 6-foot leash or shorter at all times (no retractables)
Cats must be in a secure pet carrier at all times (no feral traps)
*Attendees must reside in an OC Animal Care contract city. A California ID or photo ID with a utility bill, rental/lease agreement, or similar document providing proof of residency in a contract city needed to participate in this event.
Contract cities include: Anaheim, Brea, Cypress, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Lake Forest, Orange, Placentia, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Tustin, Villa Park, Yorba Linda, and the County unincorporated areas.