Low-Cost Vaccination Clinics

Low-Cost Vaccination Clinic Information

  • While rabies vaccinations for dogs are the only vaccines required by State law, your pet’s shots are very important and are the most effective way of preventing infectious and sometimes deadly diseases. There are several low-cost vaccination clinics located throughout Orange County to assist you in having your animal vaccinated. Below are links to some of their websites:
  • City of RSM Clinic
  • HEART - Healthcare & Emergency Animal Rescue Team
  • Vet Care Pet Clinic

    Click here for additional low-cost vaccination and spay neuter clinics located throughout the County.

    In addition to the resources listed above, OC Animal Care also hosts a low-cost vaccination clinic at the shelter the first Tuesday and third Thursday of every month and an affordable pet vaccine clinic on select Sundays every month.

    In order for the Veterinarian to issue a 3-year rabies vaccination to your pet, you must bring proof of prior rabies shots with you to the clinic. Without this information, your pet will only receive a rabies vaccination that is good for 1 year only. Examples of approved documentation include:

    • Current/Expired Rabies Vaccination certificate
    • Vaccine records from your Veterinarian
    • Renewal notice or license certificate with prior rabies information included