PetHub Tag Info

Beginning August 9, 2021, each new pet license will receive a PetHub high-tech digital license tag to add to your pet’s collar.  

About PetHub & PetHub Tags

OC Animal Care is modernizing the way we do pet licensing by partnering with PetHub to offer pet owners new and high-tech digital license tags.

Designed and powered by PetHub, these new digital license tags provide a vast number of services for you and your pet that the basic stamped metal license tags couldn’t. Everything from an online profile for your pet, a QR code on the tag with a unique license number that links to the online profile, free 24/7 access to the lost/found pet call center (staffed by real humans), and more lost pet recovery services.

What is a QR Code?

The digital part of the tag lies in the QR code. A QR (“Quick Response”) code is a type of barcode label consisting of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background. The QR code on the PetHub tags can be scanned by any smartphone with a built-in scanner or using a QR app. A QR code is similar to a UPC barcode. However, a QR code can be scanned quicker, store more information, and can store that information in a more efficient method.

How the New Tag Protects You and Your Pet

This new license tag provides an extra layer of protection for your pet. Not only is your license registered with OC Animal Care, but you can also register your tag with PetHub. You have the ability to create a free online account at and link your tag to your pet's profile. If your pet goes missing and someone finds your pet wearing this tag, the finder can use a smartphone's camera to scan the QR code, view the contact info on your pet's profile, and immediately contact you or someone on your trusted list in order to reunite you with your pet. Your account is safe and secure because you control what information in your pet's profile is visible and what is not.

If the finder does not have a smartphone or does not know how to scan a QR code, there are two other options for them to get in touch with you. One option is the finder can call the number on the tag which will connect them to PetHub’s 24/7 call center. The finder will provide them with the tag number and they will connect them directly with you. The other option is the finder can go to PetHub’s website (also printed on the tag), enter the license number, and view your contact info. Best of all, your pet is protected around the clock.

NOTE:  Newer iPhone and Android models come with a built-in QR code reader. If your smartphone does not, you can download any free QR reader app.

Activate Your Account in 3 Easy Steps

STEP 1:  Create your free online profile at  Add your name, email, and phone number(s). You also have the option to add your address and additional contacts. Then you will add your pet’s information (including your vet, vaccination history, allergies, medications, behavioral conditions, and much more).

STEP 2:  Activate your new PetHub tag for your pet’s profile.

STEP 3:  Choose your level of protection by staying with the Basic Service or upgrading to the Premium Service.

Pethub’s Basic Service and Premium Service

With each license tag, you have access to PetHub’s FREE Basic Membership which includes:

  • Online Pet Profile – Enter your contact information and your pet’s information into your PetHub account and link your account to your pet’s new PetHub tag
  • Lost Pet Call Center – PetHub's Found Pet Hotline is staffed 24/7 by real humans, not an automated computer
  • Lost Pet Poster – Ability to report your pet missing and create a lost-pet poster for printing and sharing
  • Pet Resource – PetHub’s website offers over 500 searchable articles to help you raise and nurture your pet

Or, upgrade to PetHub’s Premium Membership and receive additional benefits . . .

  • Community Alerts – When you report your pet as missing on PetHub’s website, PetHub will send a virtual “Lost Pet” notification to local shelters, rescue groups, vet offices, pet professionals, and the PetHub community within 50 miles of your location
  • Tag Scan & GPS Notification – If someone finds your pet and scans the QR code on the tag, you’ll be notified with instant text alerts and/or email alerts (the finder also has the option to share their GPS location which PetHub pulls from their phone and sends to you so you know exactly where your pet was)
  • Social Sharing – Have your lost-pet poster shared on social media to spread the word even faster
  • Discounts – Receive special offers and discounts from PetHub’s partners

Learn more about PetHub's Basic and Premium Subscription Services

Contact PetHub

Have questions? Check out PetHub’s Frequently Asked Questions

Need assistance? You can reach PetHub at or 866-795-8440 ext.