
Do you want to license your pet online right now? ONLINE LICENSE AND LICENSING RENEWAL FORM


OC Animal Care requires licenses to benefit neighborhoods, pet owners and animals. 

OC Animal Care provides licensing for the following cities
Anaheim Orange
Brea Placentia
Cypress San Juan Capistrano
Fountain Valley Tustin 
Fullerton Villa Park
Huntington Beach Yorba Linda
 Lake Forest Unincorporated County Areas

Each contract city within the County has different zoning requirements regarding the number of animals it allows per property. The majority of our contract cities and unincorporated county areas require you to obtain an Animal Permit from OC Animal Care for properties that keep or maintain more than three cats and/or three dogs. Some contract cities have zoning requirements that do not allow for Animal Permits in their city. It is your responsibility to be familiar with your city’s zoning requirements. You can obtain more information on the animal permitting process by visiting our Animal Permits page or by checking directly with your city.

What are the benefits of a pet license?

  1. Found pets are reunited quickly with their owner - The OC Animal Care office number is on the license. If someone finds your pet, they will call the number, and our office staff will attempt to make contact with you. This may help save your pet a trip to the shelter.  Lost dogs and cats that are currently licensed and are up to date on their rabies vaccinations may be redeemed at the shelter from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. during regular business hours and on holidays when the shelter is normally closed to the rest of the public.
  2. Your pet may get a ride home - OC Animal Care Animal Control Officers may attempt to deliver your pet home to you immediately instead of bringing your animal to the shelter.
  3. The shelter will give you a longer period of time to claim your pet -When found, your licensed pet will be safely cared for at the shelter for a longer period of time than an animal found without owner information.  OC Animal Care staff will attempt to contact you by phone and mail on a daily basis while your animal is at the shelter.
  4. License fees support the return of hundreds of lost pets to their homes and help adopt thousands of homeless pets to new families every year - Pet license fees also fund investigation of animal neglect or cruelty, spay/neuter programs to reduce pet over-population and community education services