Community Education

To schedule one of our Educational Programs, please email

OC Animal Care strongly believes that Community Education plays a significant role in reducing shelter intake and euthanasia, developing responsible pet owners, reducing animal bites, encouraging spay/neuter, and gaining community support.

We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers that provide a variety of educational programs both in the shelter and at off-site venues.  We believe that the more people we reach with our message, the larger the impact on the animals in Orange County. 


OC Animal Care offers free presentations to city and county agencies, schools, businesses, and other public and private groups on the following topics:

One of OC Animal Care’s missions is to promote life and to promote adoption, one of the ways we can do this is by promoting awareness in our communities, starting with its youngest members! This program is designed for Pre-School to 6th Graders with the purpose of promoting pet adoption and teaching responsible pet ownership. Activities and resources provided are intended to reinforce the information in the presentation.

OC Animal Care’s Books with Woofs reading to the dogs program allows the youth to read to a dog and build confidence in their personal reading skills. Reading to the dogs helps provide the animal comfort, while teaching empathy in children.

  • Shelter Overview (Temporarily Suspended)

This presentation can be tailored for both children and adult groups.  This presentation covers the daily functions of the animal shelter, the types of programs and services offered and the ways that community members can get involved.  This presentation is designed to educate our community about our shelter and to encourage community involvement.

  • Careers in Animal Care & Control

This program is primarily for older students or young adults who are beginning to think about a career. The program includes a presentation on career opportunities in OC Animal Care: Animal Control Officer Trainee, Kennel Attendant I, Registered Veterinarian Technician, and Customer Service and Community Outreach Representatives. Each of these careers is highlighted for its specific duties and responsibilities as well as education requirements needed to apply.

This program is designed for children ages 4-10 and is an overview of careers in Animal Care. Children are exposed to the variety of individuals that provide care for animals in our shelter and in our communities.  Activities and resources are provided to help reinforce concepts taught during this program.  of ways that  Children learn more about these heroes and the work they do!!

  • Dog Bite Prevention (Temporarily Suspended)

This class is designed for young children up to adult age groups. Information presented includes types of aggressive behavior observed in dogs, steps to take to protect and stay safe when confronted by an aggressive dog, and ways to prevent being bit by a dog. Work booklets are provided for students 6-11 years old.

Learn how to establish a positive and trusting relationship with your dog! Join Teens 4 Training for bi-monthly FREE Dog Training Presentations in OC Animal Care's Learning and Training Center. 

  • Animal Laws & Regulations (Temporarily Suspended)

Information provided in this presentation covers the laws and regulations pertaining to domestic animals. Topics include proper animal restraint, dog licensing, private property, and nuisance complaints.