Our September Pack Walk is this Saturday, Sep. 24th at 10:00AM! Come stop by to meet some of our available dogs!

How does it work? During our nice 2-mile walk, we pass through a lovely park where we stop to give our dogs a restful water break- the perfect time for members of the public to meet our pups! Fall in love with a dog you meet? Follow our Pack Walk back to the shelter and we’ll help you through the adoption process!

WHERE: The large park behind “The Mess Hall Market” eatery at 1705 Flight Way, Tustin, CA 92782. Park in front of The Mess Hall and meet us around back!

WHEN: Saturday, September 24th at 10:00am ~ We can’t guarantee how long we will stop to rest during our walk, so come as close to 10:00am as possible!

*As our Pack Walk is a fun time for our shelter pups to get some great, safe, exercise, we ask that you please leave your four-legged friends at home if you stop by. Thank you!