Disaster Preparedness for Small Animals

Here in Orange County we see our fair share of emergency situations and they can vary greatly. These emergencies range from wildfire or flood to power outages or extreme temperatures, for example. During these situations you may be asked to evacuate your home for days, weeks or even permanently. It’s important to remember that, while animal control may be able to assist, the evacuation and care of pets is ultimately the owner’s responsibility. Each situation is unique and the best way for you and your pets to remain safe is to be prepared. You can access helpful emergency preparation information by clicking on the links below:

- Basic Bird Evacuation Kit Checklist (English, Spanish, Vietnamese)
- Basic Reptile Evacuation Kit Checklist (English, Spanish, Vietnamese
- Basic Pocket Pet Evacuation Kit (English, Spanish, Vietnamese)         
- Helping Your Pet Adjust After a Disaster (English, Spanish, Vietnamese)
- Disaster Preparedness for Small Animals