Field Operations

Field Services provides service to thirteen (13) contract cities and the unincorporated areas of Orange County. Animal Control Officers comply with State and County mandates and serve the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Field Services

  • Provides public health protection against communicable animal diseases, including rabies control
  • Ensures the safety and well-being of animals in our community
  • Enforces local, State and Federal laws, including leash and nuisance laws
  • Transports injured animals for emergency treatment when an owner is unavailable
  • Provides humane euthanasia of seriously injured animals when an owner is unavailable
  • Educates the public on responsible pet ownership
  • Protects the public from aggressive and suspected rabid animals
  • Works collaboratively with other shelters, agencies and local law enforcement
  • Impounds stray or injured animals when an owner cannot be located
  • Conducts animal cruelty and neglect investigations
  • Quarantines animals involved in bites
  • Issues dog licenses
  • Issues voluntary* cat licensing

Contact Phone Numbers:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Daily
5:00 PM - 8:00 AM Nightly

*OC Animal Care strongly recommends that cat owners vaccinate for rabies and license their pets. Lost pets can be reunited with their owners when they come into OCAC wearing a license tag and/or are implanted with an identification microchip. Only 2% of the cats impounded are returned to their owners due to the lack of identification.

Field Services Helps to

  • Protect your health - Rabies is a virus that can infect all warm-blooded mammals, including humans. Rabies is spread by saliva from infected animals, usually by a bite or scratch. Rabies is typically fatal once the symptoms appear. The most effective means to assure the control of rabies is to have every dog and cat vaccinated.
  • Protect your property - Animals allowed to roam at-large may create a public nuisance by destroying property and causing injuries to themselves and others, all of which may result in a civil action/lawsuit against the owner.
  • Prevent unwanted pets - Spaying or neutering your pet(s) guarantees that you have done your part to reduce pet overpopulation and demonstrates your commitment to your animal's welfare. Unwanted pets are a serious problem. You can make a difference.
  • Protect wildlife - OC Animal Care is committed to partnering with licensed wildlife rescue and rehibilitation organizations by transporting injured and/or ill wildlife for the purpose of rehabilitation and release back into the wild.
  • Help find lost animals - If your pet becomes lost, please visit OC Animal Care personally to look for your pet. If your pet is wearing identification, a license tag and/or is implanted with an identification microchip at the time of impoundment, every effort will be made to notify you by telephone and mail. Retention periods are: 
      • Anaheim - nine (9) days for impounded animals with identification and three (3) for impounded animals without identification
      • Other contract cities and other unincorporated County areas - seven (7) days for animals with identification and three (3) days for animals without identification
  • Solve animal related issues - For animal related issues, call OC Animal Care at 714-935-6848. If we cannot assist you, our staff will direct you to the proper agency.

Do Your Part

  • License your dog - Every dog four (4) months of age and older is required by law to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. See Pet Licensing for more information.
  • Adopt from a shelter - OC Animal Care has many loveable dogs, cats, rabbits and other exotic animals available for adoption each day. In addition, through members of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association, a free veterinary examination is offered for all adopted dogs and cats.
  • Vaccinate your animals against rabies - Low Cost Vaccine & Microchip Clinics are held at the shelter. For information on dates and times, call 714-935-6848.
  • Spay and neuter your pets - See our Low-Cost Spay/Neuter & Vaccination Clinic flier 
  • Obedience training
    • Teach your pet to be obedient and well behaved
    • Train your dog to walk obediently on a leash at your side
    • Teach your dog basic commands
    • Teach your dog to be respectful of strangers and other animals
    • Teach your dog to stay quietly in your yard