Pet Redemption Process

Lost dogs and cats that are currently licensed and up to date on their rabies vaccinations may be redeemed 7 days a week from 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Wednesdays until 7:00 PM, by calling us at (714) 935-6848.

If your pet is not licensed and up to date on their rabies vaccination you must redeem your pet during regular shelter business hours.

To ensure that an animal is returned to its rightful owner:

  • You will be asked to provide vaccination history or a photograph of your pet
  • You will be asked to verify the city and major cross streets where your pet was lost
  • You will be asked the date you last saw your pet

To redeem your pet you will need:

  • A valid driver’s license or California ID card
  • To be at least 18 years of age or have a parent present to redeem your pet. Animals will not be released to a minor.


To encourage sterilization as a means to control pet overpopulation, OC Animal Care has instituted state-mandated fines for impounded unaltered dogs. To avoid the fines, proof of sterilization (verified by a licensed veterinarian via a certificate of sterility) must be provided prior to redemption. These fines are not in lieu of other fees charged.  The impound fees/fines can be found below.

If it is the first time your licensed pet has been impounded then you would qualify for OC Animal Care's "Take Me Home Program." This program is offered to all pet owners whose pet(s) are currently licensed with OC Animal Care and will apply to the first impound.  Pet owners will need to redeem their pet(s) within the first 24 hours. 

For your convenience, OC Animal Care accepts cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or Debit Cards.

Pet Redemption Fees
Pet Redemption Fees - City of Fullerton

Release Authorization Forms

Owner In Custody

In the event the owner of an impounded pet is in custody they may have a third party redeem the pet on their behalf. The owner of the pet will need to fill out the Release Authorization Form below and have the facility verify their identity. The third party must fill out the Custodian Acknowledgement Form at the time of pick up of the pet.

Release Authorization Form
Custodian Acknowledgement Form