
Volunteer of the Month

Meditate on this for a moment- When not attending to the needs of our shelter dogs, you may find our volunteer of the month teaching downward dog at her yoga studio. From planking to pack walks, leg lunges to loose lead walks; it would be no stretch to say that Cecilia dedicates mind, body, & soul to our programs. Although she is a master of the cat-cow, her heart truly lies with the shelter dogs..

She is a warrior for both our TLC 1 and 2 programs; helping our most at-risk population of pups find balance, peace and harmony while in our care. The dogs wiggle like happy babies when they see her face and the staff can breath a sigh of relief, knowing that she is here to help in any/all ways.

Its time to strike your best child's pose and find your Zen, Cecilia- you are October's Volunteer of the Month ::Namaste::