
Virtual Kitten Shower at OC Animal Care was a Success!

This year OC Animal Care held their annual Kitten Shower virtually on Saturday, July 25th to help teach the community about their lifesaving foster program. During this online presentation, attendees learned about the shelter’s Foster Program, had a chance to “Ask an RVT” kitten related questions, learned bottle-feeding basics, and got to watch an up-close demonstration of a staff member bottle-feeding kittens. All the presentations along with an additional resources page was put together so anyone who watched online could download them beforehand to follow along as OC Animal Care staff were presenting. The Virtual Kitten Shower was held on OC Animal Care’s Facebook and Instagram Live and reached over 2,000 people!

Along with the virtual presentations, OC Animal Care promoted their online Kitten Registry to collect items for incoming kittens that will be a part of the shelter’s foster program. Kitten Milk Replacement (KMR), Miracle Nipples, wet/dry food, cleaning wipes, bottle kits, toys and blankets were among the items that were donated through OC Animal Care’s Amazon Wishlist. In total, the shelter received over $1,000 worth of donations!

OC Animal Care’s first Virtual Kitten Shower was a huge success and they look forward to hosting more online events! Please note that OC Animal Care is currently not accepting any in-person donations at this time.