
Ringworm FAQ

Have you been to OC Animal Care lately? If so, you may have noticed a strange smell during your visit. This smell, often described as ‘rotten eggs’ is a result of the treatment currently being used on some of our shelter cats for Ringworm. Pee-yew! Okay, okay, so we're sorry about this temporary smelliness, but we want you all to know what's going on because to us, this is the smell of lifesaving PROGRESS! So here's the deal. Ringworm is not actually a worm but a common fungus very similar to Athletes Foot and staff and volunteers are working hard to treat all cats affected. It's a stinky job, but someone has to do it, and these poor cats (that have nooooo idea there is anything "wrong" with them) will soon be someone's cherished pet. Despite the fact that Ringworm is a treatable and non-life threatening condition, many shelters across the country still euthanize cats that test positive. Here at OC Animal Care, we are committed to saving lives and giving these cats the chance they deserve to find their forever homes. We thank our community for the support and understanding during these smelly times. To learn more about Ringworm or how to help, please see our FAQ linked below. read more

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