

ATTENTION ORANGE COUNTY RESIDENTS! RAIN UPDATE: A Flash Flood Watch – Evacuation Warning (voluntary) remains in effect at this time for the #HolyFire burn area and surrounding locations due to potential flooding and debris flows. OC Animal Care is providing free boarding for OC residents who are evacuated from that area. -- The voluntary evacuation is for homes located within Trabuco Creek, Rose Canyon and the Mystic Oaks / El Cariso areas. -- The National Weather Service warns that rain is expected tonight (Wednesday) through Thursday, with the heaviest rainfall expected between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Thursday. Rain is expected to resume late Thursday afternoon through early Friday. -- To look up your address on the Holy Fire burn area evacuation map, visit -- For updates and evacuation alerts, sign up now for AlertOC at -- Any person with disabilities and those with access and/or functional needs requiring assistance should call the OC Sheriff’s Department Dispatch at 714-647-7000. Stay informed – monitor the following on social media for updates: #HolyFloodReady @OrangeCountyEOC @OCFA_PIO (Twitter) @ClevelandNF @OCAnimalCare (for animal shelter assistance)