
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Type 2 in Southern California

OC Animal Care is aware of the recent outbreak of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Serotype 2 (RHDV2) in the southwestern U.S. This virus is highly contagious among rabbits and causes sudden death. It is not contagious to people. RHDV2 has been confirmed to be found in at least one wild rabbit in Orange County.

OC Animal Care is actively monitoring the outbreak and reviewing processes to prevent the spread of RHDV2. There are no additional restrictions at this time, but all rabbit owners are encouraged to use the resources linked below to implement safety processes to keep their rabbits safe.

For more information about RDHDV2 including symptoms and how to help control the spread of the virus check out the CDFA Website and CDFA RHDV2 Factsheet

For information about how to keep your rabbits safe check out the CDFA Biosecurity Recommendations

For updated information about the affected areas visit the dedicated USDA Map