
An Open Letter from Director Mike Kaviani

An open letter to our community, August will mark my one-year anniversary as the Director of OC Animal Care. As is often the case for anyone approaching an important annual milestone in their life, the upcoming arrival of this one-year mark evokes a variety of thoughts and actions. Anniversaries can be a time for reflection, a time to be reminded of what drove you to make the original commitment, a time to celebrate the wins, and a time to look forward to the future and what may be needed to make the next year even more successful. Anniversaries are about coming together to honor a shared commitment, and to bolstering that commitment for years to come. As August draws near, I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and I’d like to let you all in on these thoughts. What drove me to OC Animal Care? When I applied for the Director position, I had a vision. A vision of leading the staff and the community to implement programs that benefit pets and people. A vision of supporting staff to create a shelter that can successfully achieve quality of life, lifesaving, and public safety and refuses to accept that these are mutually exclusive concepts. A vision of OCAC becoming a shelter where every pet gets a fair chance of a live outcome. A vision that would ultimately result in OCAC becoming a regional and national model for high-volume municipal animal sheltering. During the interview process I learned that I was not alone in this vision. read more

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