
OCAC Info/Updates - COVID-19

OC Animal Care logo for INFO/UPDATES

OC Residents:

We'd like to give everyone a quick update on actions we’re taking at OCAC to prepare for possible impacts of coronavirus and how you can help support the continued care of our shelter or community pets.

For information about local impacts of coronavirus on humans and guidance for keeping yourself and others healthy, please follow the dedicated page on the OC Health Care Agency website:

What is OC Animal Care doing to prepare?

• We have increased orders on all of our daily supplies, and we are reviewing our continuity of operations plan in the event we experience any operational disruptions. Additionally, we have canceled all events through March. We are fortunate that controlling disease transmission is familiar to our team and our diligence in following this guidance will also help our pets.

• Similar to many other animal control agencies, our aim right now is to reduce our current shelter pet population. The reason for this is that the most likely impact we will experience at this time is an increase to animal intakes while outcomes slow. Because OCAC is currently operating at capacity for dogs, reducing intakes and maintaining outcomes will be essential to avoid overcrowding in the shelter. To accomplish this we are:

• Continuing with managed intake and only bringing in those animals in situations where it is necessary (ex. Public safety)
• Reaching out to our volunteers and foster caretakers to ask for individuals able to help foster additional animals
• To minimize the potential for contamination by outside sources, we are moving to a system of appointments only for members of the public looking to adopt a new pet. This will limit visitors and help keep everyone safe while still allowing pets to find homes.

• As the situations evolves, we will continue to communicate with our followers about potential changes in services designed to keep everyone safe while maintaining essential operations. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our main telephone line at (714) 935-6848.

• On March 16th we began to limit public access to the facility. This is being done for the safety of our staff and shelter pets. By limiting exposure to only necessary interactions we will protect our team and ensure we have the necessary skilled staff to continue to care for our shelter pets.
• Anyone looking to adopt a new pet should visit our website at to learn more about the new adoption process.
• If you are searching for a lost pet, we recommend first visiting our website Lost & Found Page to see if your pet is potentially here. To redeem your pet you will need to make an appointment. Visit our website at or call 714-935-6848 for more information.

How can you help?

• Know your resources -
We will send out updates and info as much as possible but also know where to go for information. OC Animal Care is following guidance from the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA), the California Department of Public Health (CDOH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
• Orange County Health Care Agency -
• California Department of Public Health -
• Center for Disease Control -

• Adopt-
We know these are anxious times for everyone, but you could be spending extra time at home with a new family member. Staff are taking extra precautions so that our team and are guests can stay safe through the process. Please visit our website at for information about the adoption process.

• Stay home unless you are adopting or picking up your lost pet –
Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, OC Animal Care will be closed to the public. Adoptions and redemptions will be made by appointment only by calling (714) 935-6848. Dog licenses can be paid online at, over the phone at (714) 935-6848 or mailed to our location.

• Help get lost pets home –
Check out our tips on how to find a lost pet’s owner and potentially avoid the need for that pet to be impounded at our facility. This will help us focus on urgent cases and facilitate animals being reunified with their owners faster.

• Be prepared-
One thing you can do now is to make plans for your pets in case someone in your home falls ill. You should stock up on two extra weeks of pet supplies and identify a pet sitter who can help out at any point. We should all be planning to shelter pets in place if needed. Check out our Emergency Preparedness Checklists to help you prepare.

• Help us reach the community –
Share our messaging on social media with those in your community

• Sign up to our Foster Program-
If you want to prepare to help if space becomes an issue, sign up to our foster program. We are creating a list of people who can be called on to foster if we reach critical capacity over the next 30 days. E-mail and let our team know you can help!

• Donate -
To donate please visit our Amazon wish list or donate on our website

Thank you for continuing to support OC Animal Care. We are grateful to be part of a community dedicated to support our shelter pets.