
OC Animal Care to Host the Family Fur-st Pet Food Pantry

TUSTIN, Calif. (June 3, 2020) – OC Animal Care will be kicking off the Family Fur-st Drive Thru Pet Pantry to support Orange County families in need of pet food. The Family Fur-st Pet Food Pantry events will take place on the second Saturday of every month while food is available, and the need is still present in the community. In collaboration with the Animal Assistance League of Orange County, SoCal Animal Rescue Team, and The Shamrock Rescue Foundation, the first event will take place on Saturday, June 13, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the OC Animal Care facility located at 1630 Victory Road in Tustin. “This event will provide a helping hand to families with pets who are experiencing financial strain during these challenging times,” said Chairwoman Michelle Steel, Second District Supervisor. Pet owners will get a bag of food for their dog, cat, or rabbit while supplies last. “The financial burden suffered by many people because of COVID-19 has made it very difficult for people to feed and provide for their pets,” said Vice Chairman Andrew Do, First District Supervisor. “The goal of the drive-thru pantry is to support Orange County residents and make it easier for them to hopefully keep their pets and not give them up for financial reasons.” The event will follow public health recommendations and allow attendees to remain in their vehicle while volunteers load the food. Families are asked to leave their pets at home to make this event run as efficiently as possible.

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