
Halloween Safety Tips!

With Halloween right around the corner, here's a few tips for keeping your pets happy and safe for the holiday! Keep the candy out of your pet's reach. Furry friends will sniff out treats that kids might stash in their rooms, and many are toxic to pets (especially those that contain chocolate or are sugar-free and contain xylitcl). If your pet does consume any candy, contact a veterinary professional right away! Make sure your pet is as identifiable and visible as possible! We humans may enjoy the tradition of trick-or-treating, but to your pets, the excitement of costumed neighbors coming to your house all evening may cause them to bolt out of the house. In preparation for this possibility, consider getting your pet a reflexive collar that can be seen in the dark, and make sure they are wearing proper identification. Even if your pet does not bolt, the experience of having so many strangers in their space may cause intense anxiety. Keep your pet calm by keeping them away from trick-or-treaters, or talk to your vet about individualized methods of preventing distress. Jack-O-Lanterns are festive staples of the holiday - but when they are lit, they can become a hazard around playful animals who don't understand the danger of fire. Consider using fake tea-candles in pumpkins that could potentially be reached by your pet. If you plan on dressing up your furry friend, make sure the costume fits well and will not slip or get tangled around the pet, or become a choking hazard is chewed on. Always stay with your costumed pet, just in case. Click here to learn more Halloween safety tips!OC Animal Care wishes everyone and their furry friends a safe and fun Halloween!