
Cherish Receives Her Halo!

While we love every dog here and think they are all incredibly special, sometimes certain pups just stand out and really find a special place in our hearts. Cherish is one of those dogs! Cherish is a grey Pit Bull who has been with us at OC Animal Care since July of this year. She’s 3 years old and one of the sweetest animals you’ll ever meet. She’s also diabetic and blind. She spends her time cozy and loved in our Shelter Director’s office, and is a favorite furry friend of just about all staff and volunteers. This week, her ability to take on the world has been even more improved by an amazing product called Muffin’s Halo for Blind Dogs. It was donated by Dress Guido and Second Chances for Blind Dogs, and will be donated again by us at OCAC to her forever home, when she finds it. The Halo helps her be more mobile, without fear of bumping into things with her head. We can already tell that she is more confident while walking around, and has totally gotten the hang of how the Halo works! We’re so happy for Cherish, and so grateful to Dress Guido and Second Chances for Blind Dogs for their gift. Come and visit Cherish at OC Animal Care and see her in action for yourself! Click Here to watch Cherish using her Halo to navigate through the shelter!